Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Sweater season

Hi guys,

I have to admit I was a bit disappointed about the lack of snow on Christmas, but thankfully it started snowing a couple of days ago and it finally looks like winter outside. Yesterday, my husband and I took a walk in the park, and it felt like we were in Elsa’s castle, so out of this world! It was amazing! I heard that the temperatures will continue to drop over the next few days, but I try to think less about the freezing cold and more about the emotional boost that snow gives me. It really makes me happy, maybe because of all the sweet memories I have of me and my friends playing in the snow, building snowmen, ice skating… In this crazy routine, doing the same things every single day, like a robot, I could really use something to take me back to those relaxed, carefree days! Plus, the entire city looks beautiful under the snow blanket… it covers all the ugliness and dullness of this city.

These pictures were taken last Sunday, before the heavy snow, when it wasn't too cold to walk around for a couple of minutes in a sweater...J. Talking about sweaters, I seem to have a slight obsession for this clothing item :D! I can never have enough sweaters! Truth be told, they are super versatile, I can wear them from early autumn to late spring, I can layer them, so how could I get tired of them?!?  I recently added this gorgeous baby to my collection and I couldn't be happier.  I love the color and shape and I adore how it compliments my high-waisted black and white midi skirt!  

So here’s to snow and sweater season! J

Enjoy New Year's Eve and have a great time!


Sweater: Sheinside
Skirt: BSB
Hat: Accessorize
Necklace: Zara
Boots: Mango

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Holly Jolly Christmas

Christmas has always been a big holiday in my family! And with every year, very little changes in the way we spend this wonderful day. After all, why fix something that ain't broken :). We always go to our hometown for the holidays. We are lucky enough, my husband and I, to have our parents living in the same town, so it's pretty easy for us to bring all of them together to spend some quality time. On Christmas morning we open the presents, then hop in the car to pay a visit to our grandparents. We take a breath of that fresh countryside air. we enjoy a traditional barbeque together, then return home to continue the food fiesta with our parents. In the evening we meet our friends for drinks like old times.

Even if we do this every year, it's always special and I always look forward to Christmas day! No matter how old I get, I love every minute of it, and I cherish the precious time spent with family and friends!

I hope you had the best Christmas and that you enjoyed your gifts! Best wishes to everyone!



Pants: H&M
Shirt: Colins
Cardigan: Pull & Bear
Hat: Timberland
Boots: Hunter

Monday, December 22, 2014

You better watch out...

We might be dreaming of a white Christmas, but as it looks, we won't be having one... But that's alright, there are still plenty of stuff to be excited for, now that Christmas is just around the corner.

This year I was extremely lazy and to this day, I didn't buy all the gifts for my close family and friends. By now, I'm too afraid to hit the mall, because I might not get out of there in one piece :)). People are going crazy these days...

As grown-ups, we could easily become less impressed with this holiday madness... We don't get everything we asked for on our wishlist because our needs are a bit more complicated than a new doll, or the latest video game... The streets and malls become insanely crowded as everybody is searching for the perfect gift for their loved ones. So why is it that we still love the holiday season?

As far as I'm concerned, the answer would be that it gets me in that childlike mood, that precious innocence. I have the power to leave the problems behind and focus all my attention on simple things that make me happy: spending time with my family, watching the "traditional" Christmas movies (Love Actually :P), drinking mulled wine or holiday-flavored coffee (that for sure brings me more happiness than a regular one). Every little thing in the world has its own Christmas edition, and I believe that it's true for people also. We get a bit transformed during the holiday season, we are nicer to one another, less selfish, more optimistic, more relaxed... just better versions of ourselves.

Ok so we might not have a white Christmas, and I might not get a new job or world peace as gifts, but my excitement is still reaching high levels as we approach this beautiful day.

Happy holidays, everybody!



Skirt: Zaza Boutique
Sweater: Koton
Boots: Hunter

Fashion Bloggers Night Out- Christmas Edition

Vineri seara am avut placerea sa particip la un eveniment deosebit, organizat pana la perfectiune de Pink Touch Media. "Vinovate" de aceasta experienta minunata au fost JulieCristina si Dorina. Fetele si-au dorit si au reusit sa creeze o buna oportunitate de networking pentru bloggerii de fashion si personal style si sa ofere un cadru intim si frumos pentru a ne cunoaste mai bine.

Atmosfera din locatia aleasa, 360 HUB, a fost calda, primitoare si foarte festiva, dupa cum veti vedea in fotografiile de la eveniment. M-am simtit extrem de bine in compania lor si m-am bucurat tare mult sa cunosc o parte din blogerii pe care ii urmaresc cu drag. Marie's Cuisinette s-a asigurat ca avem stomacul plin de bunatati in timp ce povestim si socializam. Mancarea a fost delicioasa!

Unele din momentele importante ale serii au fost: prezentarea de moda a unui talentat designer la inceput de drum, Roxana Sanda, si prezenta unei bloggerite pe care o admir tare mult, Elena Sandor, Eileen Cuisine , care ne-a impartasit din experienta sa. Trebuie sa spun ca am fost putin starstruck by Elena :), care e extrem de frumoasa, talentata si de-a dreptul fascinanta! 

Un alt highlight al serii pentru mine a fost sa le cunosc in sfarsit pe Julie, Cristina si Dorina. Le iubeam pe fetele astea inainte de a le cunoaste, puteam citi printre randurile scrise de ele ce suflet frumos au, cate pasiune pun in ceea ce fac! Muncisera enorm in zilele anterioare evenimentului si cu siguranta erau obosite, insa in acea seara au fost cu zambetul pe buze si m-au facut sa ma simt ca intre prieteni!

Multe felicitari pentru organizare! A fost o seara minunata!


Pink Touch Media  ne-a adus pe toate impreuna

Cu JulieCristina si Dorina

Fabulous dresses by Roxana Sanda
Delicious food by Marie's Cuisinette

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Winter blues

Hi guys,

After an entire month of damp, gloomy days, the sun finally showed its face (or teeth :P) yesterday. It was such a bright and beautiful sunny day! Such a mood-lifter, I might add! I was beginning to show signs of that seasonal depression that everybody is talking about...

We took advantage of that beautiful weather and took some pictures before meeting our friends for brunch. It was a nice change of scenery, considering the fact that last weekend we didn't even get out of the house. As much as I enjoy the coziness of my home during this season, I must admit that I missed the sun and that smell of cold winter air while taking a nice walk on a relaxing weekend day.

I wish you all a wonderful week!



Skirt & Shoes: Zara
Shirt: Mango
Hat & Necklace: Accesorize