Sunday, November 30, 2014

Paint me a story...

This dress was handmade in the late 70's by my mother in law, for my grandmother. She was actually Alex's grandmother, but I've known her since I was a kid, and I love her truly. Sadly, she passed away last spring, she didn't get to see us on our wedding day, which was something she had dreamed of for so long... I was deeply saddened by her passing, my heart still hurts when I think about her! Aside from many beautiful memories, she also left me some precious, special gifts! Her gold medallion, her rings and... this gorgeous dress!

A few months before my wedding, as I was trying to cope with an amalgam of different emotions and find my balance, I felt like looking through old family photos. It is something that always seems to relax me... I found a particular photo, from my in-laws wedding and told my mother-in-law that I really loved the dress Grandma wore that day! Her face lightened and she said the dress was still in Grandma's old house and that she could get it for me! I can't explain how happy that made me!  The day I put it on, and realized it fits me, was the most special day! Grandma was a bit shorter that I am, but I did't want to alter the dress. For me, it's the most beautiful thing in the world, it has a history, it tells the story of the most amazing person! I'm very humbled, honored and thankful for the chance of wearing it!


Dress: vintage
Heels: Massimo Dutti
Headpiece: Zara


  1. M-au lasat fara cuvinte, atat povestea rochiei, cat si pozele astea....parca-s desprinse dintr-un film!
    Nu ma satur sa te privesc!

    Felicitari! ♡

  2. Postarea asta m-a facut sa vars cateva lacrimi, sunt foarte sensibila cand vine vorba de amintiri atat de frumoase dar totusi atat de sensibile. Mi se pare minunat din partea ta sa porti rochia cu asemenea mandrie si sa ne-o prezinti si noua, imi imaginez cum te-ai simtit cu ea. E superba si se potriveste stitlului tau atat de bine, ador locatia aleasa, accesoriile folosite si fiecare detaliu folosit pentru aceste fotografii.
    Stra-bunica mea mi-a lasat cadou 2 ii pe care le iubesc enorm si pe care nu le-as da vreodata altcuiva, doar cand ma uit la ele pe umeras, imi amintesc de ea, de cum avea grija de mine si de cum petreceam zilele impreuna, hranind animalutele si ascultand-o povestind povesti de demult.

    Te pup, draga Mamalina! <3

  3. Rochia e foarte frumoasa, la fel si povestea ei :)

  4. Frumoasa povestea din spatele rochiei chiar daca are si putina tristete in ea.
    Ador lucrurile vintage, mai ales cand stiu ca sunt ale cuiva drag. Am multe piese de costume nationale in casa bunicii dar mami are mare grija de el :D.
    Apropo, unde e locatia? Arata de poveste.

  5. Stiam eu ca esti un Om extraordinar de frumos! :)
    Pozele sunt uimitoare, faceti o echipa fantastica tu si sotul tau!
    Rochia e cu-adevarat speciala (din multe puncte de vedere); ai fost foarte inspirata purtand ca accesoriu acea bentita-turban!

    Te imbratisez, draga Mamalina!
    Lavender Thoughts

  6. Oh man, that dress really is gorgeous!!! O.O I love the way you styled it and I love the fact that is has such an emotional sotry behind it. It truly is a treasure : )
    The location for the photos is perfect and not to mention the colors.. a perfect way to end the Autumn season :D

  7. Cat de frumoasa e aceasta rochita! De cand am vazut-o pe Fb prima oara mi-am dat seama ca e mai speciala (se vede ca e diferita fata de cele de la noi din magazine) si ma gandeam ca e vintage sau ca ti-ai luat-o cand ai fost intr-o vacanta.
    E superba povestea ei, m-a impresionat!
    Ai ales decorul perfect pentru ea si ai accesorizat-o atat de frumos! <3
    Te pup!

  8. rochia este absolut superba..m-a lasat fara cuvinte postarea ta..<3

  9. What beautiful photos, amazing setting. Love everything about this! Would you like to follow each other on GFC?! Let me know and follow me on my blog, I will follow you right back on both GFC and Bloglovin!

  10. Te inteleg perfect :(SI eu mi-as fi dorit foarte tare ca bunicul meu sa fie alaturi den noi la anul la nunta noastra. Imi dau lacrimile cand citesc pentru ca inteleg perfect. Asta vara, in ziua dizertatiei mele ne-am despartit de el, pentru totdeauna...E atat de trist, cu atat mai trist incat stiu ca si-ar fi dorit sa fie acolo, imi pare rau....

    te pup, draga mea.

  11. Ce poveste frumoasa si emotionanta! Este un subiect mai sensibil pentru mine, iti inteleg tristetea si la mine este prezenta. Rochia este absolut superba, efectiv nu pot sa-mi mai iau ochii de la ea, iar in ceea ce priveste lungimea ei, mie-mi place exact asa cum e. Am gasit si o o rochie de la strabunica mea acum multi ani, insa am decis sa nu o pastrez pentru ca m-am gandit ca nu am unde sa o port (eram mult mai micuta atunci), acum regret :( :*

  12. Ador felul cum ai reusit sa pui in valoare rochia, mai ales pe acel fundal caramiziu, unde ai fi spus ca isi va pierde farmecul, e absolut superba rochia si tu purtand-o!
    Mi-a placut mult povestea si-mi inchipui ce fericire ai simtit atunci cand ai purtat-o, esti o norocoasa!
    Recunosc, sunt o sensibila... si de data asta m-am emotionat <3 Esti minunata!

  13. Eu nu im gasesc cuvintele sa spun pe masura postarii, merita toata aprecierea si distribuirea. xo


Thank you all for your sweet comments! They mean the world! Hugs!