I have a bad habit! I don't know about you guys, but every weekend I succeed to mess up my sleeping schedule. During the working days, I usually go to sleep a little bit after midnight, and wake up at about 7:30 AM. But on Friday, I somehow act like it's the last night of my life: I stay up extremely late and that leads to me sleeping in late on Saturday, usually till noon. It seems to me that beside disrupting my sleeping routine, I am also loosing precious weekend time. I have a full time job, every day of the week, from 9 to 5, and when I get home from work I'm pretty numb, tired and moody...So there's not much I can do. Weekends are my only chance to relax and decompress from all the stress so I can't afford sleeping in late. So from now on, I decided to keep to the exact schedule throughout the whole week and fill my free days with awesome activities that would help me to unwind.
Now all that is left is convincing my husband to do the same! If I'm all alone in this little adventure, I'm afraid I'm gonna fail. Waking up early on weekends is not easy, especially when the person next to you is still in the land of dreams with no intention to join you in your "fun weekend activities"...
How about you guys? Do you succeed to keep to a certain sleeping routine?
Dress: H&M Boots: Mango Hat: Pimkie |
Oh I hear you! But I usually sleep until ..almost noon myself because I work from 5PM to 1AM - yep.. unusual. So..weekends are a bliss for me.
ReplyDeleteYou are wearing such a cute dress! I love the way you styled it too ;)
La fel patesc si eu cu somnul :))))
ReplyDeleteImi place la nebunie rochita ta, e foarte simpatica <3<3<3
Foarte frumos si locul unde ai facut poze, te asortezi cu peisajul :)
To be honest, my favorite part about the weekend is that I can stay up wildly late on Friday night, and sleep in wildly late on Saturday. I don't know why, but I LOVE it. Love these boots, too!
ReplyDeleteFie ca vreau, fie ca nu, rutina din timpul saptamanii se resimte si-n weekend, cand probabil mi-as dori sa dorm mai mult, dar nu pot. Plus ca avand posibilitatea doar in weekend de a-mi petrece timpul cu familia mea, parca nici n-as vrea sa dorm pana la amiaza.
ReplyDeleteFoarte feminina tinuta!
E superba rochita!
Dragut outfit, iti sta bine. Si tare frumos zambesti :). Pupici!
ReplyDeleteCe poze frumoase! Îmi place mult rochia! :)
ReplyDeleteEu am o adevărată problemă cu programul de somn. Mă culc întotdeauna prea târziu, 3-4 noaptea si mă trezesc la ore diferite în fiecare zi: o dată la 7:30, altădată la 10, altădată la 12. Îți dai seama că tot timpul mă simt obosită. Neapărat trebuie să îmi schimb programul!
Are eleganta si clasa look-ul tau! Iar tu il porti ca atare! In rochii ce au croiala similara eu arat... a little pregnant :)), la tine imi place cum se asaza!
ReplyDeleteIn legatura cu somnul...eu oscilez! Avand in vedere ca ma trezesc la 6, o medie a orei la care adorm este 11. Stii cand ma abat de la program si sunt chiauna apoi? In noaptea de duminica spre luni, fiind odihnita din weekend si cu program deja decalat, adorm pe la ora 2. Ei bine, lunea, dupa 4 ore de somn, sunt cu ochii in piuneze! :P
Hug and kisses, Mamalina!
Lavender Thoughts
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ReplyDeleteI would love to have a schedule but unfortunately I don't and I really hate it, I am trying hard to make one but until now I haven't succeeded it :(
ReplyDeleteThis dress is so cute!! I have a similar one that I love so much! The photos are as always amazing!!! <3