Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Parks and recreation

There's nothing quite like a walk in the park on an autumn day. Unfortunately, I think we're not exploring our parks nearly as much as we should... Last Saturday, an early morning mist was the preview of a beautiful autumn day. On our way to the dentist (Alex had to remove 2 wisdom teeth, poor fellow), we stopped to Cismigiu for a nice walk in the park. We were welcomed by this dazzling display of rusty colors, billion of fallen leaves which carpeted the ground...It was so easy to get lost in that mystical fairytale.

The magic rapidly went away after we left the clinic...Alex was in scorching pain, and basically has been like that for the past 3 days. It breaks my heart... I can't wait for him to get better so we could explore our beautiful parks together during what's left of this season. This spectacle of nature is hauntingly beautiful.

Have a beautiful rest of the week,



Scarf & Hat: Accesorize
Sweater: Mango
Skirt: Promod
Shoes: Humanic


  1. foarte frumoase pozele si tu esti incantatoare!

  2. Ce frumoase sunt pozele!! Imi place tare mult si palaria, culoarea e divina.

    Te pup


  3. Ce locatie fantastica <3 Pare desprinsa din povesti, iar tu te incadrezi de minune in peisaj cu minunatia de esarfa si cromatica tinutei :)
    Sper ca Alex se simte mult mai bine acum, it's not easy seeing them hurt.

    Lots of hugs beauty :*

  4. Yeeey! Ce tinuta frumoasa! Perfecta pentru toamna!

    Am si eu palarie aproape identica cu a ta! Culoarea este superba, nu-i asa?


Thank you all for your sweet comments! They mean the world! Hugs!