Wednesday, August 17, 2016

On y danse, on y danse...

Hi guys,

Wow, long time no blogging. I'm sorry for that, it's just that life got in the way :). I took on some new responsibilities at work, it was exciting but super tiring. But I was hungry for my blog and I couldn't wait to get back. Since we last "spoke" :P, I've been basically working my ass off, went to Electric Castle in July and just came back from my summer trip to France and Spain. If you follow me on the blog, or my social media, you must know by now just how much of a travel addict I am! I'm so captivated by the places I visit, and I get so much energy and good-feeling when I travel... It's magical!

This year, we went to Provence and Costa Brava. Our initial plan was to spend 2 nights in Lyon, 5 nights in Avignon, and 5 nights in a village near Nice. But after what happened in Nice we just couldn't get ourselves to go there, so we changed our destination for the last part of our holiday, and we went to Spain. It didn't feel like a compromise, because we adore Spain and we would take any opportunity to go there.

Not in a particular order, I will start with a set of photos from the day we visited Avignon and two of our favorite villages in Provence (Gordes and Rousillion). We started the day in Avignon, visiting le Palais des Papes, the famous Pont D'Avignon and getting lost on the narrow streets. After lunch, on our way to Gordes, we stopped by L'Abbaye de Senanque, which is famous for the amazing lavender fields that surrounds it. Unfortunately, we went to Provence past lavender harvest time, so we had no hopes of finding any... But right there, in the middle of the mountains, near the Abbaye, there they were... They might not seem like much, but trust me, I almost yelled with joy when I saw them... The purple dream!

My day was already going great, I'd had lavender, so my heart was about to explode. I thought there was nothing that could impress me more than the old Abbaye in
the middle of the purple fields. But boy was I wrong!

After spending some time in Gordes, we went to Rousillion right before them closing their Ochre trail. I don't believe there's a better time of the day to visit the village than at sunset. Those brilliant colors, the red against the green... and that sunset... I was feeling light as air standing on the side of the hill, starring into the Provencal fields with the golden light nearly reaching my bones...

I'm sorry if I sound so theatrical, and that I might have grossed out some of you :))), but it really was super pretty. The definition of awesome.

I'll now leave you with the photos. I'm super excited to show you more of my travel diary, so stay tuned!

Many hugs!


Dress: Zara


  1. Cat de frumoooos! Mi-era foarte dor de postarile tale si de cum am vazut pe facebook poze din calatorie, de abia asteptam sa faci si postari pe blog!

    Mi se par magice fotografiile si locurile vizitate!
    Tocmai ce imi venise ideea unei calatorii prin Franta insa nu eram 100% hotarata si apoi au aparut postarile tale pe Facebook care m-au determinat sa vreau si mai mult si sa ne punem rotitele la munca! Asa ca iti multumesc! <3 O sa ajungem doar in zona Lyon din ce ati vizitat voi, mi-as fi dorit mult si in Provence dar cred ca alta data. De abia astept!

    Te pup si astept cu mare nerabdare si celelalte postari! <3

    1. :* :* :* Si mie imi era asa dor, ma enervez cand nu imi gasesc timp de blog, si sper sa nu mai fac pauze asa de lungi. A fost minunat in vacanta, iti va placea Lyon-ul, pe mine m-a surprins! In Provence vreau sa mai merg, mai ales ca anul asta nu am mai prins lanurile de lavanda, era super frustant pentru ca treceam pe langa ele si fusesera culese, iar eu aproape plageam de furie :))). Asa ca daca vei avea cum, alege-ti luna Iulie, mijloc spre final pentru a vizita. Iti vand eu niste super ponturi cu privire la zonele unde sunt cele mai frumoase campuri :)).

      Multumesc tare mult pentru cuvintele frumoase!!

      Te puuup!

  2. Ce poze minunate! <3
    Am urmarit si pozele de pe Facebook si abia asteptam sa postezi! ^_^

    1. Multumeeeesc tare mult! Inseamna mult pentru mine!

  3. Glad to see you back! Your pictures are always so perfectly stunning.


Thank you all for your sweet comments! They mean the world! Hugs!