Sunday, April 6, 2014


 Hi guys,

I had a weekend of contrasts. Yesterday was a full day: running around, helping my folks with some chores, doing tons of things...Today was what Sundays are supposed to be like: I simply sat back and relaxed. On rainy days I always feel like listening to Norah Jones...Don't know why :)). Listening to chill music, watching my favorite TV shows, recharging my batteries for next week (bleah)...this is my idea of a perfect day.

Yesterday, I paid a little visit to my grandparents, and took this opportunity to stop by the forest. It was a cloudy and windy day, but still, everything looked spectacular and so alive. I've said it a thousand times that I love that place! I know it by heart, yet I always like to rediscover its beauty. All those blossoms, the fresh grass, the early spring flowers...I'm telling you, Spring is Mother nature's most beautiful outfit :)!

Waw, I guess I relaxed a little bit too much the point of getting all poetic and cheesy :))! But that's ok, I'm sure tomorrow will spoil all the fun :|.

Have a lovely week!


Skirt: H&M
Shirt: H&M
Necklace: Promod
Bag: Musette
Shoes: Zara
Trench: Pull&Bear


  1. Aiii, cat de frumos ai definit primavara! :)
    In engleza suna si se transmite mult mai bine: I'm in love with your outfit! Fusta e regina tinutei (din punctul meu de vedere), dar de rang nobiliar sunt si trench-ul, geanta, colierul...Continuand la fel de poetic (tu ai dat tonul la asta :P), as spune ca natura s-a imbracat de sarbatoare ca sa te primeasca frumos!

    Pupicei, Mamalina!
    Esti o inspiratie continua si ma bucur ca te cunosc (chiar daca asta se intampla numai in mediul virtual)...

    Lavender Thoughts

  2. These photos are amazing. Flowers in bloom and the green surrounded is very nice. :-)

  3. E absolut superba tinuta si fotograful a stiut sa o puna in valoare intr-un cadru perfect! <3
    Imi place mult de tot fusta, e foarte frumoasa!
    O tinuta de vis ai reusit sa creezi, in ton cu atmosfera pomilor infloriti! <3

  4. Cat de frumaosa este fusta!!! Si ce frumos ai stilizat-o!

    Pupici, o saptamana insorita!♥

  5. Superba tinuta prin imprimeul fustei, iar cadrul este de vis!

  6. Love this outfit! The central piece is the skirt of course and the pictures are amazing! Nice job!

  7. Cata frumuseteee!! Peisajul este superb si pus in valoare intr-o maniera execelenta si tinuta ta este splendida! Se potriveste perfect cu acest anotimp pe care eu il ador chiar si atunci cand ploua! Te pupicesc!!!

  8. P.S: Daca nu te superi, te-as sfatui sa scoti codul acela de verificare ( este enervant uneori pentru ca mai uit cate o litera sau o scriu gresit )

    1. Done! Nici nu stiam ca e activ :), so 10x!!! :* Te puuuup!

  9. Hi! I really enjoy reading your blog, which is why you're one of the 15 people I've chosen to nominate for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award!
    You can read more about it on :)
    xo <3


Thank you all for your sweet comments! They mean the world! Hugs!