Friday, April 18, 2014

It's raining cats and bows

Wow, wasn't this week so fun? With all the rain, the freezing cold, the chilly mornings?... Oh, I had so much fun :|. NOT!

I hate this type of weather, mostly because I have to wake up at 6:30 am every morning, to go to work, and getting up that early on a rainy day it's never easy...It would be so great to be able to ditch work on days like these, to be like:  "OK, so, I won't be able to come to work today because it's raining and it's the perfect time to sleep!" :)).

I really hope it will get a bit warmer though, as I don't wanna spend the Easter dressed in heavy coats and boots...The forecast for Sunday looks fingers crossed!

No matter the weather, I wish you all a very happy Easter, I hope you enjoy time with family and loved ones, eat delicious food and have a great holiday!



Dress: Nissa
Shirt: Mango
Clutch: Accesorize


  1. Aiii, iaaaiiii, ce tinuta cute-cute!!! M-am bucurat sa vad imprimeul camasii cu vulpite, funditele dragalase! Prin cromatica, e sobru outfit-ul, dar prin croiala rochitei-sarafan, prin fiecare detaliu e-atat de dragalasa!!!
    Uite, pe mine m-ai inveselit acum cu aceste fotografii! Don't worry about the weather, be happy anyway! ;) Important e sa fie soare in sufletul si pe chipul tau! (Asta nu inseamna ca incurajez vremea sa ne trimita vreo vantoasa duminica! :P Ssstt, sa nu ne-auda!)

    Te pup cu drag si iti doresc sarbatori pascale fericite!
    Lavender Thoughts

    1. Da, eu cred ca-s capsoare de vulpite, nu pisici! :))

  2. Imi place la nebunie imprimeul camasii! Arata tare bine. O tinuta foarte eleganta si frumoasa :X :*:*
    Paste fericit!! :*

  3. Oh, I hope you have good weather for Easter! Love that cat blouse too--looks great with that dress :)

  4. Foarte draguuuut! Imprimeul camasii a reusit sa inveseleasca intreaga tinuta, arata minunat totul impreuna! <3


Thank you all for your sweet comments! They mean the world! Hugs!