Sunday, March 30, 2014

Bring me to life

"Why in God's name would you pick such an autumnal backdrop for your photos, now that all trees are in bloom?" This is what my boyfriend said after I asked him to pull over on our way back from our hometown, on Saturday, to take some pictures. "Look at this place, it's totally lifeless", he continued.

Yes, it was! But somehow, I felt that the color combination in my outfit would awaken that place, that the red hot would stand out. I had left home in a hurry, I hadn't  have the time to put together a very spring-appropriate look. Usually, when I visit my folks, I like to wear one of my Mom's favorite colors, and this time I chose red. I wasn't planning on taking pictures, but that "lifeless" place made for the perfect backdrop, and I simply had to take advantage of it. So, don't worry you guys, it is still spring, and I still very much adore this season!

I wish you all a wonderful week!



Blouse: Promod
Necklace: Promod
Shoes: Zara


  1. amazing scenery and gogeous colours!!!

  2. Avea si iubitul tau dreptate, dar tu ai adus contraargumente imbatabile! Mi s-a intamplat si mie (nu frecvent!) minunea de a "simti" locul potrivit care sa puna in valoare o tinuta si cromatica acesteia! :)

    Tinuta ta e absolut minunata, as indrazni sa spun perfecta! Arati extraordinar, e-asa de bine ca ti-ai ascult feelingul de a poza! In ciuda lipsei de viata a locului, fotografiile au vitalitate, au dinamica! Love it!

    Pupicei si calda imbratisare, Mamalina!
    Lavender Thoughts

  3. De abia astept sa vad fotografiile pe care le vei face printre copaci infloriti, sunt sigura ca vor fi absolut minunate! Dar pana atunci, admir frumusetea acestor fotografii care au iesit minunat! Imi place enorm tinuta si imi place in special stilul tau! Te pup!

  4. really lovely blog ! very interesting :3 would you like to follow each other ? i yes just follow me and let me know i ll do the same as soon as possible :3

  5. Mie mi se pare ca locul asta se potriveste foarte bine cu tinuta asta :))
    Arati minunata, tinuta e superba, iar pozele sunt foarte reusite :*

  6. Wow, wow, wow! <3 I am pretty much speechless right now! Imi place culoarea rosie cand vine vorba despre rujuri, oje si pantofi, in rest nu ma vad purtand rosu, bine, eu sunt mai mult cu nuantele pamantii :D Trebuie sa iti zic ca iti sta absolut superb, iar culoarea te prinde de minune, extraordinar de frumoasa tinuta :*

  7. Iti sta bine cu acest outfit, dar si locatia mi se pare super~
    Parca pune in evidenta si mai bine rosul de la bluza si fusta.
    Pupici! :* :* :*

  8. Ai dreptate, ținuta ta în culori vii iese foarte mult în evidență în peisajul acesta!
    Îmi place atât de mult bluza!

  9. Amazing look dear! I love the blouse! And yes the background choice is perfect to put in the spotlight the beautiful colors of the outfit!
    Lots of love
    Reinvent Yourself

  10. o tinuta care inveseleste tabloul, foarte frumos!!!

  11. Sunt de parere ca locul ales este perfect pentru a scoate in evidenta tinuta ta. :) Este atat de plina de viata incat parca readuce cumva la viata si imprejurimile. Frumos!

  12. You know, even though it's warm, I like the background with this outfit. I'm definitely looking forward to all the greenery, but I think the colors in this look great together :)


Thank you all for your sweet comments! They mean the world! Hugs!