Monday, January 30, 2017

Standing with an army

Hi guyyyyz,

For many of you that have been following me for the past few years on this blogging journey, this look I'm showing you today might seem like something sooo far away from my style, and it probably sort of is... (great use of English language on this phrase, Mamalina, congrats!). What I'm trying to say is that I'm more of a dress/skirt kind of person. But don't get fooled by the (many!) skirts that I've got, I'm still, I'm still Mada from the block! Pfff! Why do I even bother writing this post? I'm just gonna make a fool of myself... Anywayzzz, this is quite an edgy look for me, but is definitely something that I've been enjoying wearing lately. Oversize sweatshirts or sweaters are the greatest invention ever, so comfortable, and you can find so many ways to style them and make them work for you.

This camo sweatshirt is actually from the men's section at H&M. I'm so jealous of so many items I spot in the men's sections at different stores, I love the prints, the shape and overall quality of them and sometimes I'm just crazy enough that I actually buy one. This is a size too big even for my husband, so I practically swim in it, but I love this freakin' sweatshirt and would wear non stop! I thought it would be a good idea to combine it with some ripped black jeans and a bit of fishnets peeking through, for that cool factor that I always strive to achieve :). Yup, my ultimate goal is to be cool. This is so teenagerish of me, but I guess I'm pushing strong on that thirties crisis that everybody talks about. I'm turning all Benjamin Button on my style :)).

This will probably be my last post before leaving for Morocco. We'll be leaving on Saturday morning and I cannot contain my excitement! Hopefully, they will have a decent internet connection over there so that I could spam you with a lot of pictures, cause I think it's going to be pretty fantastic. It will also be so nice to take a break from this freezing weather, I'm ready for some sun like there's no tomorrow!

Bye guys! Take care! Talk to you soon!

Outfit details:
Jeans, Boots & Chocker: Mango


  1. Imi place tinuta, iti vine super bine! Mi se pare ca ai slabit foarte mult :D
    Abia astepta sa vad pozele din vacanta, cred ca o sa fie superb acolo! <3
    Distractie placuta! Pupici!

    1. Multumeeesc! Da, am luat putin in greutate acum un an si ceva din cauza unor probleme de sanatate si acum imi revin usor, usor :)! Te puuup tare, tare!

  2. Haha, chiar nu pari tu in postarea asta, insa iti sta bine. Ne poti surprinde mai des cu astfel de tinute! Vacanta placuta, asteptam postarile :)


Thank you all for your sweet comments! They mean the world! Hugs!