Monday, October 17, 2016

Courage, dear heart

Hi guys,

Wow, this Fall sure has some serious mood changes now doesn't it? After a warm and sunny Saturday, I woke up to a foggy, crisp, cold and rainy Sunday, followed by an even more interesting Monday. I almost freezed to death on my way to work this morning. I was even a few minutes late, because I just couldn't brace myself for the cold. And the fact that my husband gets a couple more hours of sleep everyday thanks to his working schedule isn't getting me motivated to leave the house... I just wanna stay in bed and cuddle... Oh, wouldn't that be sweet? What a pretty little dream that would be... And what a frickin' nightmare it actually is! It goes like this: I wake up around 6:45 AM, get ready, grab an avocado or some type of fruit to eat at the office and run out the door hoping to catch the first tram that gets to my station... But of course, this rarely happens... Usually, I only manage to squeeze in the forth or fifth tram. I swear to God, those motherfuckers are so packed, I feel that I'm reaching another level of intimacy with random people I don't know :). You  must think: Oh, what a fun trip that is! :) It's even more fun when people fight, swear, listen to questionable music, or, wait for it, eat sunflower seeds and spit on your shoes. One must love public transportation!

On the other hand, if I were to be taking my car to work every day, I would probably die in a matter of days, or have a nervous breakdown... I'm a good driver, but for those of you living in Bucharest, you know that that this can be quite a disadvantage :P.

But enough about that... Let's move to today's outfit that I'm gonna show you.

Usually, during Fall I'm mostly wearing earth tones, neutrals: a lot of browns, black, beige, maybe throw in some burnt orange at most... But I just couldn't help but falling in love with this amazing sweater! This season I've been really into turtlenecks, so the high neck on this sweater is just my cup of tea. And I love how it complimented my new favorite skirt. This skirt is sooo pretty, those flower details are embroidered, the shape makes it perfect for the office, but that amazing pattern makes it fun and different.

I hope you guys will enjoy today's post. Have a wonderful week ahead! Many hugs!



Skirt: H&M
Sweater: Mango
Shoes: Zara


  1. Si eu tot asa de dimineata ma trezesc, dar cand vad ca mai e si intuneric afara, nu imi vine sa ma mai scol :)))
    E superba tinuta, dar imi place la nebunie puloverul, are o culoare asa frumoasa! <3

    1. Daaa, si pe mine ma omoara treaba cu intunericul... Working ladies having it har :P. Te pup tare, tare, multumesc frumos!

  2. I really love this fall look! That skirt is to die for! I have the same Zara heels but in pink!

    ChocolateFashionCoffee Blog
    ChocolateFashionCoffee Pinterest

    1. Hehe, great minds buy the same heels :)). Thanks, K! You're the sweetest!

  3. Eu sunt o super norocoasa ca nu ma trezesc devreme si chiar si cand ma trezesc putin mai tarziu si trebuie sa ies cu Pinkie, mi-e groaza de gerul care ma asteapta :(

    In alta ordine de idei, iti ador fustitaaaa! De cum am vazut-o pe Facebook m-am indragostit, e super, super frumoasa si deosebita, ti se potriveste manusa! Evident ca imi place foarte mult sipuloverul rozaliu! <3

    Te pupicesc si de abia astept mai multe tinute de toamna! <3

    1. Brrrr, da, nu mai e mult si vine gerul...
      Multumesc tare mult pentru cuvintele frumoase! Multi pupici!

  4. That grey heels are perfect!
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Thank you all for your sweet comments! They mean the world! Hugs!