I couldn't be happier with the crazy ridiculous warm weather we've had for the past couple of days. Sure, it would have been great if his Majesty, the Sun, would have made an appearance on my birthday, last week, but I just can't stay mad at it...
Talking about my birthday...
I'll start by sharing this heartwarming quote from an incredible short story by Charles Dickens which I love, “What Christmas is as we grow older”. It might seem unrelated, but dig further inside and you’ll see that it has everything to do with the years passing, with staying true to ourselves, with the celebration of life.
“Welcome, old aspirations, glittering creatures of an ardent fancy, to your shelter underneath the holly! We know you, and have not outlived you yet. Welcome, old projects and old loves, however fleeting, to your nooks among the steadier lights that burn around us. Welcome, all that was ever real to our hearts; and for the earnestness that made you real, thanks to heaven!”
This year, on my birthday, I decided to take a day off from work. Early in the morning, I hopped in my car and drove to to my hometown, to see my Mom and enjoy a tasty cup of coffee with her, like old times. Afterwards, I accompanied her to work, got back to Bucharest and ordered a huge pizza. I took the time to read all Facebook messages (which were plenty) and realized that the majority of them were personal and went beyond the usual formality of this type of wishes…In the evening I met my boyfriend at the subway (he was returning from work). As he was getting closer to me, he had this childish, awkward face (it really took me back years ago to when we were in high school) with some beautiful flowers in his hands. We went to dinner at a nice, cozy place and by the time the day was over, I declared myself happy. I had re-lived so many precious moments, I had brought them to life once again, I had made them count, and while I was surrounded by loved ones, the day was mostly about myself. Rather than getting all nostalgic, thinking of things or feelings that were and aren't anymore, I got things done and it was amazing! I really celebrated myself and all that is important to me.
Have a wonderful spring, my dears!
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Dress: Promod Necklace: Zara Shoes: Zara |
And one with the photographer...bless his pure, innocent soul :))
Very, very nice post!
ReplyDeleteI always wanted photos with balloons for my birthday and I think this year it's gonna happen. I'm born in June, so I have plenty of time to plan something :))
I really love how you celebrated, simple, but with the persons you love. I think small things are the most important in life.
Well, happy birthday :) Sounds like you had a fun time celebrating!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteSuper cute dress and adorable pictures! I love your style... also you have a great photographer :p
ce albastru frumosss!!
ReplyDeletela multi ani!!!
A belated Happy Birthday, sweetheart <3
ReplyDeleteI really wish you the very best, nothing but happiness, good health and dreams that come true :)
Your birthday plan sounds absolutely perfect to me. And I adore these pictures, they're so full of life and brimming with happiness. Between the blue dress and the balloons, you really can't do wrong!
La multi ani!
ReplyDeleteSuperba tinuta :X Ador albastrul regal!
Ce poze minunate, baloanele sunt atat de vesele si de frumoase <3
ReplyDeleteIti doresc o primavara frumoasa si tie :*
Ai avut o idee geniala! Si eu imi doresc o zi de nastere linistita in care sa fac doar ce-mi doresc, poate la anul chiar o sa pun in practica planul acesta :D Pozele sunt absolut minunate, imi transmit o stare de bine, iar rochia e superba, te prinde foarte bine culoarea asta. Pantofii mi-au furat privirea de cum i-am zarit <3 :*
ReplyDeleteAstept de mult ocazia sa "fur" niste baloane de la un clown penru a face poze, imi place la nebunie ce a iesit.
Ti-am scris cateva ganduri bune legate de ziua inca de la postul trecut. Ma bucur ca ai avut o zi frumoasa,pline de momente deosebite cu cei dragi. Cel mai important e faptul ca la sfarsitul zilei ai fost fericita, implinita, multumita. Pozele sunt super dragute si intr-adevar ai un fotograf cu suflet mare ;)
La multi ani! (cu intarziere). I looove your royal blue dress and the photos with all the balloons are so fun! You look very pretty!
ReplyDeletePop Culture&Fashion Magic
Ce frumos! A fost o placere sa citesc ce ai scris, ma bucur mult ca ai facut ceva atat de frumos pentru sufletul tau in acea zi speciala. Nu stiu cum de am ratat postarea asta ( imi pare rau pentru intarziere).
ReplyDeleteTe pupicesc!
Am reactionat ca un copil vazand postarea! I-am aratat fotografiile sotului meu, spunandu-i: Uite, uite, uite, vreau siii eeuu!!! :))
ReplyDelete"Ce vrei? La ce te referi?" Vreau baloane de-astea, vreau fotografii asa frumoase! :D
Lasand rasfaturile deoparte...extraordinara postarea ta! Din toate punctele de vedere! Nu exista ceva ce as fi vrut sa fie altfel! Ne bucuram ca ne-ai facut cunostinta si cu " fotograful"! :)
Pupicei, draga mea!
Lavender Thoughts