Sunday, April 26, 2015

Summer on my mind

Hi guys,

The weekend was gorgeous: sunny skies, warm temperatures, laid back activities with friends- everything I could wish for! On Saturday I went biking with my best friend and we had such a great time. The parks were full of people soaking in the sun, there were flowers and blossoms everywhere, it felt so alive. It really gave me the energy I needed to start a new week.

With only two more weeks left until my Spanish holiday, I'm already getting into the packing fever  :)). Yup, I'm one of those "early packers" :P, I like to make lists, organize my outfits without being in a hurry. I usually lay my suitcase open in the living room about two-three weeks before I leave, and gradually start putting in everything I want to bring with me on holiday. This year I have a new goal: to avoid taking more that I would actually get to wear... Wish me luck, it's a long shot :)!  Me and Alex are sharing the luggage, so we have to be really smart at packing our stuff. We'll see how that goes!

It seems that summer is making an early appearance (this past weekend stands as proof), and I could't be happier. As a travel enthusiast, I'm planning lots of fun escapades for the summer. Let the travel season begin :).

Have a wonderful week!



Culottes: H&M
Shirt: Zara
Bag: Accesorize


  1. You look wonderful! You rock those culottes!

  2. De fiecare data iti admir pozele, minunate!!! Sotul tau presupun ca e maestrul <3
    Cand am vazut prima poza pe fb, am admirat fusta, abia mai devreme am constientizat ca de fapt sunt culottes, ador modelul asta de pantaloni, esti foarte frumoasa!!

    1. Multumesc, Diana! Mi-am facut curaj sa port culottes, n-am putut sa le rezist :), si ma bucur pentru asta! Ii ador! Si da, Alex e "vinovat" pentru pozele mele, iti multumesc pentru aprecieri si i le voi transmite!

  3. I already can't wait to see photos from your Spanish trip! I bet you'll have loads of fun.

    The culottes are gorgeous! I love the gorgeous details and the way they look with the shirt ;)
    And what a beautiful scenery!

    1. Thank you, sweetie! I'm super excited for my trip :)!


Thank you all for your sweet comments! They mean the world! Hugs!