Sunday, June 1, 2014

50 shades of burgundy

Friends are important...they are the family we choose. I'm so grateful for my friends, we've known each-other since high school and they are "responsible" for the happiest moments of my life. We grew up together, went through different stages of our lives together: first love, graduation, first job, marriage...

On Saturday, two of our dear friends got their marriage licence, and in 2 weeks' time, we'll be celebrating their wedding. It was a special day, full of emotion. They are so lucky to have found one another, they are beautiful, smart and loving people and I am so happy for them and wish them the best in their new life together!

I was planning to wear a different outfit on this occasion, but since it rained, I had to come up with a back-up plan. I hate it when weather gets in the way of me wearing a certain outfit, but this time I was pretty happy with my choice. I was wearing a lace dress with a peplum blouse over it. The dress was originally a long sleeved lace dress from Zara. I've had it for 2 years and when I first wore it, I somehow succeeded to rip one of the sleeves to a point where it couldn't be fixed...Since I absolutely adored the color and shape of the dress, I ended up cutting both sleeves and found this cute peplum blouse to "hide" the top part which looked a bit strange without the sleeves. It was one of my little projects and I enjoyed wearing it! 

I hope you guys like it! 

Have a wonderful week!


Dress: Zara
Top: H&M
Sandals: Musette
Clutch: Accesorize
Hat: thrifted


  1. OMG!!! Superba tinuta! <3
    La ce second hat ai gasit palaria?
    E absolut minunanta!
    Imi place mult, mult.
    Te pup! :*

  2. Scuze, m-am grabit. Eram prea entuziasmata :)))
    Vroiam sa scriu second hand si minunata :P

    1. Multumesc mult!!! Palaria (pe care o ador si eu) a fost gasita de o buna prietena la un targ in Brasov, de unde a venit si cu multe alte comori! Din cate stiu e un targ saptamanal, o sa ii cer detalii si va voi lasa un mesaj pe FB (tie si Cristinei)! Va puuuup!

  3. Omg, cat de minunatat e tinuta asta <3
    E in topul preferatelor mele, deci palaria nu pot sa cred ca e de la second, e prea frumoasa <3
    Chiar am dar in jos super grabita sa vad de unde ai luat palaria si am ramas masca :))))
    Cred ca ai avut cea mai draguta tinuta :)
    Te pup!

  4. I've missed you!
    Ti-am vazut si celelalte doua postari la care nu am lasat feedback insa, cum nu-mi place si nu stiu si nu meriti sa las doar doua vorbe, mi-am propus sa revin! :)

    So lady like....e expresia potrivita pentru tinuta ta! Minunata cromatica! Tu esti radioasa! Zambetul tau pare a determina acea lumina fabuloasa! Am remarcat si parul atat de frumos aranjat! Spectaculoase fotografii, felicitari calduroase tie si viitorului mire fotograf! :D Intotdeauna o inspiratie fantastica!

    Te imbratisez cu caldura, Mamalina! :)
    Lavender Thoughts

  5. Iti multumesc mult pentru cuvintele atat de frumoase, draga mea! O saptamana minunata!

  6. Foarte frumoasa, eleganta si feminina tinuta <3 Pana sa citesc ca este vorba de o rochie am crezut porti o bluza si o fusta :)) Voiam sa zic ca imi doresc tare mult o fusta cu dantela, dar nicio rochie nu m-ar deranja :) Te prind de minune culorile acestea :*

  7. Tinuta ta arata superb, iar de poze nu mai zic. Asa locatii frumoase mai greu de gasit, iar asta e de-a dreptul superba. Imi place la nebunie palaria aia, noroc chior sa gasesti asa ceva intr-un SH.

    te pup.

  8. I have to say, I absolutely ADORE your shoes. That style is so classy and elegant, and a little retro. You look super put together!

  9. Arati de milioane, palaria e absolut fabuloasa, nu pot sa cred unde ai gasit-o <3
    Fotografiie si locatia sunt foarte frumoase, iar tinuta e in intregime superba, nu mai gasesc epitete... totul e prea perfect :))
    Nu prea am inteles ceva... topul a fost de fapt o rochie cu maneci lungi, iar fusta e o piesa separata, da? :D Oricum arata bestial impreuna!

  10. love the hat, pretty look

  11. I`m in love with your skirt, este absolut perfecta si tie iti sta minunat iar combinatia cu palaria este geniala!
    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  12. Goodness the skirt is amazing| So elegant :D
    I love this color on you, it looks really great! :)

  13. Ce culori frumoase! Îmi place tare mult rochia/fusta! :)

  14. Imi place maxim tinuta, este asa boema! Fotografiile arata minunat pe fundalul acelor coloane. Te pup

  15. Deci, desi stii, iti mai zic o data: ziua mea e pe 9 martie. Astept nerabdatoare palaria! Serios acum, cum poti sa apari cu asa ceva? Vrei sa ma omori? Caut de o vesnicie palarie mare si roz si nu gaseeesc si apoi apari tu "mot" cu asa ceva? Not fair, not fair dar te iert pentru ca esti mult prea draguta si tinuta asta e absolut superba!! <3

  16. so beautiful style ,the color suits for you,and the lace dress is very very impressive

  17. Soooo chic!!
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Thank you all for your sweet comments! They mean the world! Hugs!