I've not always been an active person. Back in my university years, I lived quite the sedentary life: watching TV, playing video games, sleeping. In the past 3-4 years though, I've become very interested in physical exercise. I guess that as you grow older, you start to acknowledge the importance of sports and a healthy lifestyle. Plus, gaining weight is much easier and loosing it becomes way harder... I've started going to the gym 4 years ago and I tried all kind of different classes. The only type of training that provided me with enough motivation to come back the next day was Kangoo Jumps. It was fun, it had an interesting choreography, and good music :). I've been taking KJ classes for almost 4 years now and I still love it. Last summer, the lack of air in the gym became quite the problem for me, so I decided to move towards an outdoor activity: running. At the beginning, running seemed like a tough sport (I was so sore all the time). But with practice, I really started to love it! It gives me a great energy boost, and I get quite euphoric every time I finish a race. The great thing about running (besides its many health benefits) is the fact that it's something that me and my boyfriend do together. We are both quite competitive, so we motivate each other to push our limits.
I remember saying that I would never be able to run a marathon, but I signed up for a 10 km race, which will take place on May 18th at the Bucharest International Half Marathon, and I'm very excited. I'm a pretty slow runner, so there's a chance I'm going to come last :). But I'll for sure have lots of fun!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
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Dress: Mango Denim jacket: Mango Shoes: Mango Headpiece: handmade from a necklace |
You look so very pretty with the headpiece and the dainty dress <3 This look reminds me of Gossip Girl ^_^
ReplyDeleteI hate physical exercise, I always have and I still do, maybe I just haven't found the right activity for me. But despite all that, I have my fair shares of trying and failing to add exercising to my daily schedule. I already had planned to start running again now that the weather allows it, and reading this post motivated me enough to really do it ^_^
foarte frumoasa combinatia! xoxo
ReplyDeleteConditia mea fizica este la pamant, realizez lucrul asta, as vrea sa fac ceva ca sa schimb lucrul acesta, dar nu fac nimic haha :)) Desi sper sa se schimbe lurul acesta in curand :D Foarte misto ideea de a te inscrie la un maraton, iti doresc mult succes, sa reusesti sa strabati toti cei 10 km fara probleme! Imi place la nebunie combinatia rochita-geaca de blugi, intotdeauna mi-a placut si a ta arata extrem de bine! Foarte ingenioasa ideea de a transforma un colier intr-o bentita, imi place :D :*
ReplyDeleteYou look great! I tried running a couple of times but I get bored quite easy and I quit. Maybe I'll find someday the motivation to keep going! I love the denim jacket & dress combo! And the dress is so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI love, love, love your dress and the photos! <3
ReplyDeleteSo beautiful!
Running and tennis are the only things I really like, but I'm such a lazy person. I wish I have someone to motivate me daily and to do these things with me.
Kisses :*
I've been trying to get into running lately, too - I'm going to be running my first race next month. I'm really slow, and I can't go far, but I enjoy it and the sense of accomplishment it gives me.
ReplyDeleteYou look so lovely - what a gorgeous spring dress.
Ai niste poze de POVESTE!! imi plac atat de mult, fotograful are inspiratie cu o fata ca tine.
ReplyDeleteTe pup.
This outfit is lovely! Good for you for signing up for a half marathon! I did my first one about 2 years ago. I wasn't much of a runner before then, but it helped that I did interval training. I basically ran for five minutes and walked for one throughout the race. Best of luck in your training!
ReplyDelete-Helen Grace
Sweet Helen Grace
Coronita, rochie cu flori, tocuri si jacheta din denim, super!!
ReplyDeleteDecorul e la inaltimea ta, imi place absolut tot <3
Oh, that dress is so lovely!! And, as always, I adore the pictures! :D
ReplyDeleteI am not much of a sporty person, I really hate sports, of any kind and I try to motivate myself or read inspirational quotes and stuff like that. But I think I just have to simply get up and go to the gym and maybe I will enjoy it.
I just love denim jackets with floral dresses :) Looks awesome!
ReplyDeleteIi faci concurenta serioaasa Zanei Vara. Primul meu gand.
ReplyDeleteRochita e de vis. Tare mult imi doresc o rochie Mango, au acel ceva, un aer retro si tone de feminitate si dragalasenie.Zic eu ca mi s+ar potrivi stilul. Intreaga combinatie e adorabila.
AM zambit citind ca bentita este un fost colier... la ultima postare (rochia nude accesorizata in 4 variante), m+am intrebat daca sa+mi pun colierul pe cap dar n+am dat curs ideii.
Pup, cu drag!
P.S. Tinem pumnii pentru maraton!
E minunată rochia ta, iar bentița m-a cucerit!
ReplyDeleteÎncepusem să fac și eu destul de multă mișcare, dar am devenit leneșă din nou de la o vreme. Parcă nu îmi găsesc voința deloc. :(
such a lovely, feminine outfit, suits you well! I can't wait to see what else you have on your blog! <3 mishmsxo
ReplyDeleteNu sunt o fană a joggingului. Pot face orice cardio, dar nu jogging... mă deprimă la propriu.
ReplyDeleteÎmi amintesc că am dat BAC-ul la educaţie fizică şi m-am antrenat să scot timpii impuşi să iau nota 10. Am reuşit să fac asta, dar să-mi placă să alerg tot nu am reuşit.
KJ sună interesant şi m-aş băga. La 1.83m ai mei chiar aş arăta ca un cangur.