Sunday, May 18, 2014

Body & Soul

I've recently came to a valuable conclusion: running is more than staying fit and living a healthy life. It's equally for the body and soul...I find it to be the perfect escape from a bunch of problems, and it educates me to push my limits. Not to mention the beautiful feeling of being in control: I am the one who chooses where to go, how fast, how far...In a world where I interact with so many people (at work, at the gym, in my spare time with friends), this is a moment for myself only, a moment when I stop doing things for others, and start doing them for me!

Today I ran a 10.5 km race in Bucharest and I loved it! It doesn't seem like much (especially if we think about those courageous people who signed for the half marathon), but it was one of the greatest experiences in my life, and a great personal achievement. It made me feel I could achieve the impossible. A couple of years ago, I couldn't even run 500m. I've come a long way!

 My biggest motivation today was to finish the race withing the established timeline: 1h and a half. And I did finish it, in 1h and 10 min. I did a pretty good job and I am so very proud! Now, my goal is to improve my speed, so I'll continue the training. I can't way for the next competition! We had a beautiful weather, and I've never seen so many enthusiastic people in one place. It was amazing.

My legs are tired, but my mind is strong! :)

Have a wonderful week, you guys!



Skirt: Lashez
Top: Promod
Shoes: Zara
Bag: Accesorize
Bracelet: Mango


  1. Ce print frumos ai pe bluzita<3 felicitari pentru cei 10 km!

  2. Ce peisaj fumos ai ales pentru poze!<3
    Imi place tare mult fustita !
    te pup

  3. Beautiful skirt and top! You look very great and stylish!

  4. Congrats! I hope I will achieve that performance in the near future.
    You look wonderful! Love the bright color of your skirt!

  5. Felicitări, dragă Anca, pentru această reuşită. Şi mie mi se întâmplă adesea să-mi forţez limita cu scopul de a termina ceea ce am început.
    Îţi stă foarte bine în acestă combinaţie.

  6. Yay! Felicitari pentru reusita, eu cred ca lesinam dupa 1 km haha :)) Revenind la tinuta: vai cat de mult poate sa-mi placa fusta, e tare frumoasa si are o culoare superba <3

  7. such a lovely outfit, I like both your top and your skirt, they're fabulous!
    Ester @ Drawing Dreaming

  8. Felicitari pentru reusita, subscriu la ce a scris Ruxandra, eu nu as fi putut alerga nici macar 10 minute fara sa ma opresc ^_^
    Ador combinatia dintre print si minunatia de culoare a fustei, ma duce cu gandul la o vacanta exotica <3

    Un weekend minunat iti doresc si eu,


Thank you all for your sweet comments! They mean the world! Hugs!