I'm staying at a hotel and I'm sharing a room with my co-worker and friend (Thank God I'm not alone in this, because I would have gone crazy by now). It is my first time visiting Iasi, and even though it seems like a pretty amazing place, I miss Bucharest like crazy. I miss my small, cozy apartment, my comfy couch, my crazy, weird friends, my boyfriend! I know... I'm such a baby...I mean after all, it's only for a month, but I hate having to leave home...especially in December. Every year, I get super excited and star decorating my Christmas tree at the beginning of December, right before Saint Nic. I make lists and buy gifts (most of them for myself :P), I plan my annual winter holiday, I get ready for New Year's Eve...It might seem like I could do most of those things here, in Iasi, especially given the fact that the company's headquarters are practically inside Palas Mall...but it's just not the same!
I am sooo home sick that I've just bought train tickets to go home for the weekend...(almost 8 hours of pure plasure, for those of you who know "how fun" traveling by train in Romania is).
Cheers to the freakin' weekend!
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Sweater: Mango Skirt: Promod Shirt: Koton Necklace: Zara Boots: MiniPrix |
You're not a baby!
ReplyDeleteTe inteleg foarte bine! Ma intrebam daca esti nascuta in zodia Racului pentru ca ei sunt atat de atasati de casa/caminul propriu! Eu fac parte dintre acei "ei"! :))
Sunt sigura ca nu voi gasi la tine postare in cadrul careia sa fie prezentata o tinuta care sa imi displaca! E de la sine inteles ca imi place combinatia aleasa...Ma incurajezi sa port aceasta lungime de fusta (pe care eu o cam evit). Botinele sunt adorabile! Remarc si faptul ca tinuta ta e in concordanta perfecta cu cadrul natural in care ai pozat! :)
Lavender Thoughts
Mulțumesc pentru cuvintele frumoase! Sunt Pești :)
Deleteși mie îmi plac foarte mult nuanțele tomnatice pe care le-ai ales, într-adevăr, văzută separat, aș fi zis că fusta e a bunicii, dar așa are un maxim efect. Colierul e cireașa de pe tort! :)
Superba fusta si arata foarte bine in combinatia pe care ai facut-o! :*
Ador combinatia de culori pamantii si diferitele texturi, esti experta in a mixa piesele din garderoba ta intr-un mod unic :)
ReplyDeleteCred ca inteleg perfect prin ce treci, eu a trebuit sa stau doar o saptamana departe de casa, intr-o camera de hotel, intr-un oras strain si numai la casa mi-a fost gandul pe toata perioada, numaram orele pana sa ma intorc. Fiind Decembrie e cu atat mai greu :) Bucura-te de zilele petrecute acasa si aduna multa energie pentru restul de timp pe care trebuie sa il petreci in Iasi :*
In a way I get what you're going through..transitioning can be though indeed, but at the same time, I can easily say that I have no issue relocating unless I really really really want to and get super excited and can't wait to try on new things, opportunities, visit stuff, making new acquaintances! Iasi is a cute city, it's near (somehow) my hometown.
ReplyDeleteMake to best of it while you're there!
P.S. The skirt and the necklace are adorable!
Of inteleg ce greu iti este mai ales acum in Decembrie dar o sa treaca repede luna si o sa te intorci la timp pentru a sarbatori! E minunata tinuta asa cum m-ai obsnuit, e o placere sa iti vad fotografiile, sunt superbe!!
ReplyDeleteP.S: Mi-ar placea mult sa ne cunoastem, poate stabilim o intalnire!
Daaaa, mi-ar placea mult sa ne vedem. Sa treaca febra sarbatorilor si minunata mea delegatie si punem ceva la cale :). Te pup!
DeleteI completely understand you, I'd be feeling the same way even if just for a month! :) you go, girl, stay strong!
ReplyDeleteyou look lovely as well, that skirt is the prettiest thing ever!
Ester @ Drawing Dreaming
Yet another amazing sweater! Looks wonderful with this skirt.
ReplyDeleteLove your style.
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at least you get an experience that will someday become a story to tell :) meanwhile, enjoy the sights of Iasi and take pretty pictures in new places. love the colors in these, btw!