Sunday, November 17, 2013

In celebratory mood

I know that my photos don't actually scream "Happy holidays", but Christmas is knocking at our doors, people. Yesterday, at the Mall, 5 out of 10 stores I visited were playing Christmas carols. I turned on my car radio and there she was, Mariah Carey, saying all she wanted for Christmas was me... Our city center is also quite festive already, with lights and decorations waiting to be turned on... Last weekend I made cinnamon rolls... And it's only mid November. As holiday signs continued to pop everywhere I went, I couldn't help but wonder: is it a bit early for Christmas? Or is it merely our sweet, always helpful marketing making  us understand that the earlier we get out head round Christmas, the earlier we'll get out presents/food/ outfits shopping done?!?



Dress: H&M
Sweater: H&M
Boots: Mango
Necklace: H&M


  1. In mod sigur e prea devreme pentru Craciun! Asta e parerea mea! Ce farmec vor mai avea toate atunci daca incep de pe-acum cu decoratiuni si alte cele...?!

    Tinuta aceasta e una dintre favoritele favoritelor pentru mine! Ador fiecare piesa vestimentara in parte, accesoriile si combinatia in sine! Apoi, mai conteaza faptul ca tie iti vine de minune!
    Hihii, sunt unele fotografii in care pari a avea o aura!:D

    Te pup, Mamalina!
    Lavender Thoughts

  2. Îmi place mult tipul acesta de ținută, în care materialele se combină bine, deși fac parte din registre diferite. Frumoase și ghetuțele, te scot dintr-o mie de încurcături :)
    Cu prietenie, Ana

  3. The skirt pattern is sooo pretty (and I love your blog name!!) I'm a new follower :) If you're interested you can follow me the meantime I look forward to reading more!

  4. Ce dragalasa este tinuta, atat de feminina si perfecta pentru o zi insorita de toamna! :*

  5. Ador genul acesta de imprimeu floral 'marunt', mi se pare tare gingas si boem!

    Eu mi-am asezat gratios o pereche fancy de ochelari de cal si am decis sa ignor absolut toate semnele de sarbatoare pana in luna decembrie! :))
    Te pup si iti doresc un sfarsit de noiembrie superb!

  6. love the dress and necklace!

    xo brie

  7. Eu chiar acum ascult mai multe piese cu F Sinatra si s-a intamplat sa cante Jingle Bells, l-am lasat :)
    Imi place ca ti-ai aranjat parul pe stilul tinutei.
    About women and not only Blog

  8. How Gorge ‼ ღ

  9. I agree that it's too soon, but hey, people need Christmas decorations, it's not like last year we bought a whole bunch, we need to do that every year and we need time, like 3 months before Christmas, just kidding, I am a little bit annoyed by this whole marketing strategy because I think It's ruining a little the whole holiday spirit.

    About what you're wearing, I love the mix between warm cardigans and summer skirts/dresses, it's one of my all time favorites and I do it a lot. I love it and that necklace it's too gorgeous!

  10. You look so gorgeous!

  11. I hope that guys are allowed to comment, too ?
    Just wanted to compliment you for having such amazing beautiful legs; and thank you
    for sharing this look with us all.
    Kisses from Denmark.


Thank you all for your sweet comments! They mean the world! Hugs!