Yesterday was the picture perfect spring day! Come to think of it, the entire weekend was pretty amazing as far as weather was concerned! I was so thrilled, that I finally went to the hairdressers and got a haircut (something that I'd been planning for a while but was too numb to go forward with it). Unfortunately, the joy didn't last long, because the beautiful Sunday was followed by an extremely cold and windy morning. It was like seasons had changed during the night. I mean... what?? It wasn't a very nice start to the week but I heard it will get better towards the middle of the week so I'm looking forward to that.
Another manic Monday is about to end, and I'm left with only 4 days of work until the weekend. I'm more and more excited for the weekends because me and my friends always engage in some pretty awesome outdoor activities as the weather starts to get warmer. On Saturday we actually flew the kites for the first time this Spring and it was super fun! It was windy, yet warm and sunny so we really enjoyed the day. I'll post some pictures on the blog towards the end of the week. We also plan to do some hikes, picnics, go to adventure parks, basically staying busy until our long awaited Spanish holiday in May. If only Spring would quit playing with us...
On a different note. can you believe Easter is only 3 weeks away? It's incredible how time flies!
Many hugs!
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Skirt:Zara Shirt: H&M Shoes: H&M Necklace: Accesorize Sunglasses: Promod |
Ce dragut te-ai tuns, iti sta super! <3
ReplyDeleteImi place mult de tot tinuta, arati minunat! ^_^
Ca de obicei ai laes un loc minunat pentru poze, se potriveste de minune cu tinuta ta!
Te pup!
Multumesc mult, Cris! Asteptam de mult o vreme frumoasa sa ies sa fac poze in natura! Te pup cu drag!
DeleteVezi cum imi daruiesti tu revelatii?! Eu as fi bagat mana in foc ca o astfel de bluza merge doar cu fuste drepte/creion sau cu pantaloni! Dar tu imi arati altceva! E unul dintre numeroasele motive pentru care imi esti foarte draga!
ReplyDeleteE speciala tinuta asta, are un ceva, un quelque chose...Iar tu o porti cu gratie, cu atitudinea potrivita!
O marturisire: n-am mai lasat comentarii vazand ca nu raspunzi la ele! Eu sunt, cum ti-am mai spus, un copil atat de rasfatat care asteapta sa primeasca raspunsuri - indiferent care sunt acelea! Si dupa o luna daca raspunzi, tot e bine! Dar nu deloc, nu vreau sa vorbesc singura! :))) Iti spun asta in mod deschis, ca unei surori, stiind ca ai inteligenta, decenta si simtul umorului pentru a intelege ideea! Dar, un mare DAR, indiferent daca las sau nu feedback, esti printre favoritele favoritelor pentru mine si nu as renunta la a te vizita la fiecare postare, a te citi, a te admira, a ma inspira!
Hugs, Mamalina! :)
Lavender Thoughts
:) Esti cea mai draguta din lumea asta mare!!! Iti multumesc mult pentru cuvintele frumoase! Si da, ai dreptate, pentru ca si eu tanjesc dupa raspuns, dupa un dialog in lumea asta virtuala in care am creat prietenii, unite de pasiunea noastra pentru frumos! De mult imi doream sa ma obisnuiesc sa raspund intotdeauna la comentarii, pentru ca citesc cu atata placere, imi bucura sufletul si imi insenineaza orice zi! Asa ca acesta va fi my next goal! :)
DeleteDraga mea, te admir, mai ales pentru ca esti dascal (ca mama mea). Ai aceeasi privire calda pe care o are si ea, si sunt convinsa ca iti pui tot sufletul in ceea ce faci! Admir oamenii cu vocatie! Te pup cu mare, mare drag!
Stiam eu ca am cu cine sa vorbesc, stiam ca gasesc intelegere! Ma temeam sa nu te supar, n-as fi vrut asta sub nicio forma; tocmai de aceea, i-am citit si sotului meu comentariul inainte de a-l publica... Apropos de ceea ce spui, cu suflet si cu toata deschiderea am scris; cu putine persoane am aceasta franchete! Cum am mai spus, am stiut si am simtit ca am cui sa ma adresez, am sperat ca vorbele mele vor avea ecou! M-a linistit raspunsul tau(as fi avut mari mustrari de constiinta daca te necajeam), mi-a adus confirmari raspunsul tau - esti fata care consider eu ca esti! :)
DeleteLa randul meu, iti multumesc pentru frumoasele cuvinte de apreciere si ma onoreaza comparatia cu a ta mama! Am simtit dragostea si caldura cu care ai spus asta! Daca nu punem suflet in ceea ce facem... cum am putea sa ne asteptam sa iasa ceva frumos?!
Pupicei, cu drag! :)
Love your new haircut! Your weekends sound like such a blast.
Thank you! It took me a while, but I finally did it :)! Hugs!
Deletesuch a beautiful photos! love the look!
Thank you so much, Sabina!
DeleteOh, my, such amazing photography! Congrats, Alex!
ReplyDeleteYou look so pretty with the new hair cut! I can't wait to cut mine but I'll have to wait a few months!
The outfit is perfect in every way possible and it makes you look amazing because I can feel you were happy while wearing it! I know the sun had to do something with your big smile too, I am happy too when it's present!
Lots and lots of kisses! <3
Yep, a sunny day can do wonders! Thank you, sweetie! Lots of hugs!
DeleteOoo, ce fotografii frumoase, chiar par un tablou perfect de primavara.
ReplyDeleteSi eu am asteptat cu sufletul la gura sa se incalzeasca, sa ies mai mult din casa.
Ce draguut, eu n-am inaltat niciodata un zmeu, decat din alea de hartie pe care le faceam in copilarie :))
Catalina- EbonyVintage
Multumesc, Catalina!!! Cu zmeul a fost interesant, mi-a fost frica la inceput, pentru ca trebuie sa stii cum sa il manevrezi daca nu vrei sa ajungi up in the air :)). Dar dupa ce am invatat cat de cat sa folosesc manerele, a fost chiar distractiv! Abia astept sa incerc din nou :)! Te pup!
DeleteI have always loved fashion because it's a great way to express your mood. And I'm definitely a *shoe *dress* lover. The right pair of *shoe *dress* can change the
ReplyDeletefeel of an outfit, and even change how a woman feels about herself. A woman can wear confidence on her feet with a high stiletto, or slip into weekend comfort with a soft ballet flat. Online shopping at Unomatcshop.