I am back :). It has been too long since my last post, but I've been pretty busy getting married and honeymooning :). I'm dying to tell you all about my wedding day, but I think I'll wait until I get the pictures from our photographers and share them with you guys! I will say one thing though: it was perfect- we had a beautiful weather, we had our family and friends with us the whole day, it was emotional and teary at times :P and now it almost seems like a dream!
For our honeymoon, we decided to go to London. We'd been wanting to go there for a while, so this seemed like the perfect occasion! We left 2 days after our wedding, and we were there for 8 days- not nearly enough, if you ask me...!
I love to travel, and I've seen a lot of places, but London has become my favorite city so far! Historic buildings and monuments, parks, cultural attractions, such a diversity of people...everything adds up to offer an amazing experience.
On our very first evening in London, my husband surprised me with tickets for a musical. We saw "Les Miserables", at the Queen's Theatre. This was definitely a highlight of our trip there! I was blown away by the performance, the music, the audience and even now, almost 2 weeks later, I still play the songs in my head and get goosebumps thinking about it. It was legendary! We were so impressed with the experience that the moment we got to the hotel that night, we booked tickets for another amazing musical, "The book of mormon", at the Prince of Wales Theatre. It was different from Les Mis, obviously, but we loved it so much! It was so funny, energetic, and clever! And as big South Park fans, we could totally see the same type of humor!
We were lucky enough to enjoy a beautiful autumn weather during our stay (we had our worries :P), which allowed us to wonder the city's streets, the beautiful parks and all that London had to offer!
Have a lovely weekend (despite the weather outside)!
P.S. The layering was unintentional, our first day in London was a bit colder than the rest, so the vest was required! :)
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Boots: Pull&Bear Socks: H&M Pants & Jacket: Zara Vest: Mango Shirt: Koton Bag: Musette |
Welcome back, sweetie!! First of all, congratulations again! I can't wait to see all the beautiful photos and study all the details!
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing destination! London is my favorite city and I don't think I'll ever find another one that will replace its first place on my list, it really is magical! I am sure you had a lovely time there! I can't wait to be back and see a musical too, it's on my bucket list:))
Kisses and hope you'll post more pictures! Btw, love the outfit, those patterns together = delicious!! <3
Awwww, thank you so much! We plan to go back to London for my birthday next year, to see Phantom of the Opera! I fell in love with musicals, and I don't want to miss out on this legendary one!
In primul rand, felicitari pentru mariaj! Va doresc o viata plina de fericire si sa ai mereu zambetul tau cald pe buze! Am urmarit pe pagina Facebook postarile din Londra si banuiam ca va sosi si un post de acolo si uite ca acum mi-ai amintit cu nostalgie de frumoasa Londra. Sper ca in primavara sa ajung din nou acolo! <3
ReplyDeleteDesi mi te am in minte ca o skirt girl convinsa, tin sa precizez ca iti sta foarte bine in aceasta tinuta! Imi place foarte mult combinatia dintre printul pantalonilor, pantofii Oxford si culoarea ciorapilor!
Te pup!
Multumesc frumos, Caterina! You got me! :) Aceea a fost singura zi in care am purtat pantaloni pentru ca a fost un pic mai frig :). Iti multumesc pentru aprecieri!
DeleteO, ce frumoasa e tinuta, ador combinatia de printuri, jacheta, ghetele si sosetele in ton, arati perfect!!
ReplyDeletePozele sunt foarte frumoase, imi doresc si eu sa ajung la Londra, sotul meu a fost o saptamana cu treaba si a fost super incantat, am hotarat ca data viitoare vom merge impreuna, sper sa fie cat de repede :D
Felicitari inca o data pentru casatorie, va doresc multa sanatate si toata fericirea din lume!! Sa fiti la fel de indragostiti ca pana acum si veti trece peste orice greutate!! Te pup!
Multumesc mult pentru urari, Diana! Da, Londra e minunata si abia astept sa ma intorc acolo! Te pup!
DeleteWelcome back, beautiful one! :*
ReplyDeleteFelicitari inca o data, viata lunga impreuna si toata fericirea din lume v-o doresc! Ati fost extrem de frumosi si abia astept sa vad muuuulte poze din ziua cea mare.
Until then, you're killing me with these London pictures, inca nu am ajunst acolo dar e orasul visurilor mele <3
Tinuta e absolut superba, te-ai incadrat perfect in peisajul prea-minunat ^_^
Awww, multumeeesc! Si eu imi doream de mult sa ajung acolo, insa a fost peste asteptarile mele! Au niste parcuri in care te puteai pierde usor, departe de agitatia din oras, printre frunze ruginii, era absolut superb!
DeleteHeey welcome back! Ti-am mai scris un comment, dar cred ca a disparut :)) Anyway, Londra este orasul meu preferat, asa ca atunci cand am vazut pozele pe Facebook eram cam geloasa, haha! Abia astept sa vad pozele de la nunta!!! <3
DeleteTe pup! :)
ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page
ChocolateFashionCoffee INSTAGRAM!!!
Saci, multumesc frumos! Cand am ajuns in Londra m-am intrebat de ce mi-a luat atat de mult sa merg acolo...mi-a intrat in suflet! Te pup!
DeleteFelicitari si casa de piatra! <3
ReplyDeleteCe frumos ca ati ajuns la un musical, de fapt la doua :P
Londra e in topul destinatiilor unde imi doresc sa ajung si sper sa o vad cat mai repede :)
Abia astept fotografiile de la nunta! :)
Te pup! :*
Multumeeesc, sweet lady! Musicalul m-a cucerit! Mai ales Les Miserable! De cand m-am intors am revazut zeci de scene pe internet, am revazut filmul din 2012 si aproape ca stiu melodiile pe dinafara :). Cand vei ajunge la Londra, nu trebuie sa-l ratezi! Te pup!
DeleteFelicitari si casa de piatra, draga mea!!!
ReplyDeleteSuperbe pozele si tinuta, am si eu o pereche de pantalonii asemanatori :D O tinuta foarte londoneza de altfel! :*:*
Multumesc, Adina! Te pup!
DeleteOh goodness, I bet you had loads of fun there! I wish I can visit London soon, it is on my list for quite some time now.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see more photos :D
Yep, London was really fun and I had the best time! I hope you'll get there soon, you are going to love it! Hugs!
DeleteCasa de piatra!
ReplyDeleteSuperba tinuta!Ador pantalonii!
What I wouldn't give to go to London! This outfit is just so COOL, and I'm glad you're back!
ReplyDeleteAi avut motive mai mult decat intemeiate, stiam ce te tine ocupata si am asteptat cu rabdare...
ReplyDeleteDraga mea Mamalina, va felicit - atat pe tine cat si pe proaspatul sot! Va doresc sa fiti sanatosi si fericiti, sa va pretuiti si sa va respectati, iar relatia voastra de iubire sa fie mereu ceea ce sufletul fiecaruia dintre voi are nevoie! :)
Imi plac la nebunie fotografiile voastre, sunt sigura ca a fost o luna de miere... to remember! Tu esti frumoasa si radioasa!
Pup, cu mare drag!
Lavender thoughts