Sunday, August 31, 2014

Human Race

"Look at us. Running around. Always rushed. Always late. Guess that's why they called it the human race. But sometimes, it slows down just enough for all the pieces to fall into place. Fate works its magic. And you're connected"

The above lines are from the movie "The Switch". I know, it's not the deepest, most awarded, most inspiring movie...It's just one of those "feel good" movies that I enjoy watching from time to time, but this message kinda' stuck with me...

I only have one month left until my wedding day, and in the last few weeks, all these emotions came rushing in ...I always thought that years go by so quickly, but now I realize that something important is left behind: people, feelings, priceless memories, that we just don't have the time to acknowledge because we are so focused on the future, we are always anticipating...

For me, it was really joyful and fun to stop for a little while and reflect over the years gone by. It made me happy and thankful!

Have a wonderful week, you guys!



Skirt: H&M
Shirt: H&M
Necklace: Promod
Shoes: no name


  1. Foarte frumoasa tinuta! Imi place la nebunie culoarea pantofilor, este superba! Si fusta este tare draguta, era cat pe ce sa o cumpar si eu de la H&M, dar am renuntat in favoarea alteia :D :*:*

    1. Multumesc, Adina! Era un timp cand gaseam cu greu fuste midi (preferatele mele). Insa in acest inceput de toamna am vazut atatea modele superbe! Cu greu m-am putut decide la aceasta, insa mi-a placut tare mult culoarea, si faptul ca are buzunare!

      Te pup!

  2. Fusta e divina, iti sya genial cu ea. Imi place si culoarea pantofilor, se asorteaza asa de frumos.


  3. Ai o privire "noua", nu stiu daca te-ai pensat altfel sau apropierea marelui moment este cauza, dar ai un chip mai luminos :)

    1. :) Multumesc tare am schimbat nimic la mine, deci trebuie sa fie acel "wedding glow" :P. Te pup!

  4. You look so pretty!!
    Fusta e minunata, ai atatea fuste lungimea asta, ma faci sa-mi doresc de fiecare data una, dar nu stiu unde sa le gasesc... eu n-am vazut in H&M :(
    Tare frumoasa combinatia de culori <3

    1. Multumesc pentru aprecieri! Da, am o pasiune pentru fustele midi! Si aceasta are un material mai gros putin, asa ca m-a incantat faptul ca o sa o pot purta si toamna. Nici eu nu am vazut-o in toate magazinele H&M...

      Te pup!

  5. You really are a bit philosophical these days, but we all have those moments from time to time. And it's good when you look behind and can say "Yes, I did good. I am happy" That is just an amazing feeling.

    Oh and I love the skirt!!

  6. N-am vizionat filmul mentionat, il voi cauta!
    Gandurile tale indeamna la a medita, a reflecta...

    Iti vin minunat buclele, iti incadreaza chipul in mod delicat! Iar tinuta... phiii, mor de dragul ei! Cum numai tu stii... :)

    Fa in asa fel incat (poate ti-am mai spus dar imi asum riscul de a repeta) sa nu ajungi epuizata fizic si psihic in ziua nuntii, fa in asa fel incat sa te bucuri atunci, sa nu fii in graba, sa savurezi cu-adevarat fiecare clipa!
    Pup, Mamalina, cu drag!

    Lavender Thoughts


Thank you all for your sweet comments! They mean the world! Hugs!